Graham pulls the strings...

Client: Graham Carter / Studio

A viral campaign featuring a series of animations and microsite to promote Graham Carter's solo show.

Drawing inspiration from the tale of ‘Pinocchio,’ this series of animated shorts tells the story of three marionettes; The Warrior, The Explorer and The Astronaut.  The films follow the characters as they journey through far off, fantastical lands travelling to a final secret destination, the show.

The characters individual journeys evoked Grahams journey to completion as he explored new themes and styles, most notably animation as this was his first foray into directing. The three stories were seamlessly sewn together for a full film debuted at the shows Private View, with a familiar Carter character making his debut appearance.

Graham produced three prints from the animation which were a huge hit and sold out within days of the exhibition opening. The film went on to feature in the 2013 Taffi Festival.



Design & Direction:

Graham Carter

Animation & Co - Direction:  

Simon Armstrong


Richard Spiller


  • Concept and Desgn
  • Full production
  • Audio
  • Social Media Campaign inc Microsite

Adding depth...

We really didn't want to alter Graham's original work in any way - but rather give it just an extra diemnsion so his puppets could move and perform as marionettes in their own space.

Importing Graham's [ heavilly layered ] source PSD files in Aftereffects - we set about separating each alyer in Z Depth so that when lighting was added - Graham's illustrations felt as if they were puppets shows coming to life on a stage.

Just as beautiful without motion...